Respiratory Therapy

Breath = Life!
Breathing is the most basic necessity for living, but millions suffer from breathing disorders that make this simple part of life very difficult. Do you want to learn to be the caregiver that helps those struggling to breathe feel better? That is what being a Respiratory Therapist is all about.
Respiratory Therapists are specialized healthcare providers trained to help treat breathing disorders. Respiratory Therapists provide care for people of all ages. From newborns to the elderly, and every age in between, we help people breathe easier.
The College of Health Professions and Wellness, Department of Respiratory Therapy at Jacksonville State University was started at the request of area Respiratory Directors. They need graduates trained to enter the clinical workforce. Our faculty are dedicated to providing a high quality, cost efficient program to train students to become competent, professional, advanced-level respiratory therapists.
Respiratory Therapists are in demand, now more than ever. The pandemic has increased the demand for highly trained healthcare professionals such as RTs to provide the life-saving skills needed to help patients through these difficult times. If you want to learn more about the field of Respiratory Therapy, take a look at these additional resources:
Respiratory Therapists: The World Needs More (
Be An RT - Be An RT (
Non-Discrimination Statement
JSU does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs or activities that it operates. JSU is required, by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Department of Education regulations to implement Title IX, not to discriminate in such a manner. This requirement to not discriminate in educational programs and activities extends to employment by the university and to admission thereto. Questions regarding Title IX and the implementing regulations should be referred to JSU’s Title IX Coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights, or to both. For more information about the Title IX grievance procedure, including how to report or file a complaint of sex discrimination, how to report or file a formal complaint of sexual harassment and how JSU will respond to such complaints, please visit our Title IX website at or contact our Title IX Coordinator:
Title IX Coordinator
Angle Hall, Suite 301-A
(256) 782-5769