Visitor Information
Visitor Parking Information
- Parking Services has the authority to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations for the operation and parking of motor vehicles on campus. The responsibility of obtaining knowledge of the parking and traffic regulations rests with the motor vehicle operator. These rules and regulations are subject to enforcement on a year-round basis regardless of whether school is in session.
These regulations are provided and enforced to ensure the safety of drivers, pedestrians and property, as well as provide parking facilities for all who drive a vehicle on the Jacksonville State University campus. A parking and traffic plan can be successful only when all faculty, staff, students, non-JSU personnel, and visitors abide by the governing regulations.
Each visitor who operates a vehicle on campus must obtain a visitor parking pass issued by the University Parking Services or the building manager or their alternate for the building you are visiting. Visitor passes are available free of charge to visitors and must be displayed on the front dash passenger side. Visitors may park in any legal parking space on Campus except for reserved parking spaces, white curbs or other identifying methods. White curbs with or without designated signage are reserved parking spaces. State parking laws such as yellow curbs, accessible parking, etc. are always enforced. Failure to obtain a visitor parking permit may result in parking citations. Visitor permits are available at Montgomery Bld. 4th floor ID Office/Student Services window Monday thru Friday 8 AM to 4 PM. Building managers may also issue day passes. Visitor passes are valid for maximum of 1 day. -
Visitors who wish to purchase a visitor permit for the current university calendar year will need to go to the following link: will then need to create an account with the person type as "visitor". From there you will follow the instructions and place the order for the decal. Once you receive the confirmation email, you can then go to the parking office in room 403 of the TMB to pick up your decal. You will need your driver's license and vehicle registration to pick up your decal.
- Current faculty, staff, and students are prohibited from operating a vehicle utilizing a visitor pass. Persons who repeatedly violate parking rules and regulations or misuse a pass or decal are subject to having their privileges revoked and may face disciplinary and/or criminal actions.
- Questions concerning the Jacksonville State University parking system should be directed to Parking Services at 256-782-5566. Parking Services is located at the Montgomery Bld (TMB) 4th floor ID Office/Student Services window adjunct to the Mail Center.