Graduation and Comprehensive Exam

Who Applies for Graduation?

All graduate students completing their programs of study will apply for graduation:

  • Degree-Seeking Students (DNP, DSc, EdS, MA, MBA, MFA, MPA, MS, MSE, MSN, and MSW)
  • Graduate Certificate Students*
  • Education Certification Only Students* (Instructional Leadership Reduced Credit Hour Option for Certification)

*NOTE: Non-degree seeking students do not participate in the graduation ceremony.

When Do I Apply for Graduation?

Students must apply for graduation before the given deadline of the semester in which they plan to complete their program and graduate. These deadlines are always noted on the Academic Calendar.


How Do I Apply for Graduation?

Graduate Students who apply for graduation are required to complete a two-step process. Both steps must be submitted to complete the application process. A non-refundable fee is charged for this process.

Step 1 of 2: Application for Degree in MyJaxState

The Registrar outlines each step of this process on the Graduation Procedures page.

Step 2 of 2: Graduate Exit Survey

Completion of this survey is mandatory. An email will be sent to your JSU email address during the semester in which you plan to complete.

Where Do I Find More Information on Graduation?

Graduation and all associated procedures are carried out by the Registrar’s Office; please see the Registrar’s Graduation page for full details.

How Do I Apply to Take My Comprehensive Exam (If Required)?

If your degree program requires a comprehensive exam, you will be applying to take the exam when you submit your application for graduation. During the semester you plan to graduate, the Department Head will appoint your comprehensive exam committee, and the chair of the committee will contact you to set a date and time for the comprehensive exam to be given.

If you are unsure whether or not your degree program requires a comprehensive exam, please see the “Graduation and Comprehensive Exam” section of your degree program’s Graduate Catalog entry. This section is found on the Requirements tab.

Who Is My Degree Check-Out Person?

If you have questions about completing your degree, applying for graduation, or taking the comprehensive exam, please contact the Graduate Program Specialist over your degree program.

College of Education and Professional Studies, Department of Kinesiology, and Department of Music:

Julie Maddox
Room 322, Angle Hall
Phone: (256) 782-5327

College of Arts and Humanities (minus Department of Music), College of Business and Industry, College of Health Professions and Wellness (minus Department of Kinesiology), College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and College of Science and Mathematics:

LaRilda VanSandt
Room 322, Angle Hall
Phone: (256) 782-5345