A Guide for Online Students and Others Using Online Technology

You will find below an array of general information, resources, requirements, and assistance for students taking online courses and for students using Canvas and other online technology for any course.  Instructors may have additional requirements that are specific to particular courses.

Students are encouraged to review all of these materials, especially those taking online courses.

Online Learning at Jacksonville State University is defined as instruction which has zero face-face sessions. All activities are delivered via electronic (online) format. An online course is web-based where interactions with student and the instructor is often through discussion boards, email and other various digital tools. The course materials and activities are delivered using a Learning Management System (LMS) Canvas.  Exams and other assessments may be completed online, with online proctoring tools, while some professors may require students to take proctored exams at approved testing centers. Online learning provides students with freedom and flexibility, but it also requires students to be self-motivating. Some courses are focused and self-paced while others are more interactive with other course participants. Each course has a syllabus and schedule where professors clarify course requirements such as course topics, dates for exams and quizzes, assignments and other activities.

Discover more about the online learning experience at JSU. Complete the New Online Student Orientation.

Self Help & Various Support Resources

Local Help From Online@JSU - Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time; online@grapevilla.com  or (256) 782-8172

Canvas Support Team - 24/7 help and support resources available inside the Canvas LMS in the global navigation Help menu (live chat, web form, self-help guides, and phone)

Help With JSU eMail, MyJaxState, etc.- Technology Support Center; (256) 782-8324 or techsupport@grapevilla.com 

Facebook - Stay connected with Announcements, Tips, and Suggestions.

You will use the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) for your JSU online course(s). From within Canvas there are many resources and much information to help you learn to use Canvas and other technology for your courses.

Login info - Go to the Canvas Access page.

To find your JSU email address and email login credentials, contact Information Technology Help Desk at (256) 782-8324

For assistance, click the Help link inside Canvas or contact online@grapevilla.com or (256) 782-8172.

As a reminder, you should never share your passwords with other individuals.  You are the only person who should log into any of your University accounts.

eMail- Login at http://outlook.office365.com/

eMail Help

JSU email is referred to as GEM. You will receive a GEM account as part of the application process. If you do not know your GEM account information, please contact the Information Technology Help Desk at (256) 782-8324 or support@grapevilla.com .

Office 365 (Word, PowerPoint, and More)

Each student at JSU has access to Microsoft Office and many other tools. These services are part of the GEM email account. Office is available online and as a download to personal devices. OneDrive is included and offers students an excellent place to back-up and store university-related files.


Many services such as registration, course schedule, email, and other technology may be accessed via http://myjaxstate.grapevilla.com . Login with your ID (first part of email address) and your current or default password.

As a reminder, you should never share your passwords with other individuals.  You are the only person who should log into any of your University accounts.

For the best course experience within Canvas and other technology, you need to have access to a minimum amount of technology. Please keep the following in mind as you review the recommendations and requirements below:

  • Each system has certain requirements.
  • The technology listed below is utilized in most online courses, but Canvas is used in almost all courses regardless of course format.
  • The other technology listed may also be used in many courses, even if not fully online.
  • Some academic departments and programs may have specific hardware and software requirements for student computers. Before purchasing a computer, please check with your department to learn more about recommended specifications.

Minimum Specifications Recommended (for details and potential acceptable variations, see Requirement Details info section below):

  • Hardware and OS
    • Required
      • Windows 10 with the latest updates
      • Intel Core i5 (or equivalent AMD CPU)
      • 8 GB RAM
      • 128 MB or more of graphics memory
      • SSD (recommended), 250 GB or more and/or HDD, 500 GB or more
      • 15" LCD or larger
      • Built-in or USB web camera with microphone (a limited number of USB webcams are available for short-term check out through the JSU Houston Cole Library)
      • Built-in or USB wireless network card capable of 100 Mbps or more
    • Optional
      • Compatible headphones
      • Optical drive
      • External HDD (for routine backups)
      • USB 3.0 thumb drive, 32 GB or more (recommended)
  • Web browser
    • Google Chrome with latest updates
      • JavaScript enabled
      • Cookies allowed from Canvas and Turnitin.com/TurnitinUK.com
      • Honorlock Extension installed (provided at no additional charge by JSU to all students and employees; see below for more info)
      • No blocking of necessary web addresses, etc. (see below for more info)
  • Internet access:
    • Cable or DSL Internet subscription
      • Minimum 10 Mbps download speed, 50 Mbps or more recommended
      • Minimum 1 Mbps upload speed, 5 Mbps or more recommended
      • Note:  Higher download and upload speeds are necessary for networks with multiple users and/or multiple devices, especially where streaming and large file transfers are involved.
  • Other software
    • Studio (provided at no additional charge by JSU to all students and employees)
    • Microsoft Office 365 (provided at no additional charge by JSU to all students and employees)
    • Microsoft Teams (provided at no additional charge by JSU to all students and employees; see below for more info)
    • Windows Defender with updated definitions and scheduled scans
      • Do not block required web addresses and other pathways (see below for more info)

Requirement Details For Each Standard Online System:

If you are planning to attend any JSU sporting events or utilize certain campus resources, you will need a JSU ID card.  Please review the information on the ID Cards page and in the "Identification Card" section of the Student Handbook.

Textbooks may be ordered online from the JSU bookstore at their online site (JSU Bookstore).  Textbooks may also be ordered by phone, mail, and in person.  eBook versions of textbooks may be available for some courses from within the Canvas LMS via the FirstDay Course Materials course menu navigation link.

Textbook buyback days are scheduled for the week of finals at the end of Fall, Spring, and Summer II semesters.

The First Day Program

FirstDay™ is the JSU Bookstore's (Barnes & Noble College) inclusive access model where every student has access to digital course materials on or before the first day of class within the Canvas Access. This affordable solution provides significant savings for related course materials  as noted directly on the student account. While not suggested, students have the ability to opt-out of the program if desired.

  • Your course required textbooks will show on your MyJaxState account as an E-Textbook fee. Please contact the Campus Bookstore will any questions regarding what all this includes.

The FirstDay™ charge(s) will appear at registration (see bill due dates).

Assistance with FirstDay

Please contact the JSU Bookstore if you experience any issues accessing your eTextbook via the FirstDay Course Materials course menu navigation link in your Canvas course. 

Call JSU Bookstore- (256) 782-5283 or toll free at 1-800-231-5291 (ask for bookstore)
Website- http://jsu.bncollege.com 
Email: customercare.bncollege.com
Location- Theron Montgomery Building, second floor

Tutoring services at Jacksonville State University models high-quality, effective academic skills, provide content-specific supplemental instruction, and create a connection to the institution. A tutor's goal is to help students LEARN to help themselves and to assist or guide students to the point at which they become independent learner. Tutoring is available for any JSU student for most core courses. Tutoring is FREE as long as you are a JSU student.

Academic Support Website
Location- Houston Cole Library

Tutor.com provides free 24/7 online learning support to students each semester.  With access to over 3,000 online tutors, each student receives 5 hours of free tutoring per semester.  Tutor.com is available in the course menu of every Canvas course.  Read the Tutor.com Instructions for more information.

In your online courses, you may be using numerous options for completing tests and assessments. Check with your instructor for testing requirements.

Online proctoring - Your professor may require you to use Honorlock, JSU's online remote proctoring service.  At this time, there is no additional cost to students for this service. For more information, go to the Honorlock Student Tutorial.

Campus Services - (when appropriate):

  • JSU Testing Center - For certain testing situations, you may need this resource in order to complete your test.  This resource is also available even when using Honorlock, for students who do not have a computer or location meeting the Honorlock requirements. Scheduling ahead of time is required. To schedule a test session, please contact the JSU Testing Center at (256) 782-8378 or testingservices@grapevilla.com.  Location- Student Success Center, Houston Cole Library, Ground Floor, Room B22
  • Webcam Check Out - A limited number of USB webcams are available for short-term check out through the JSU Houston Cole Library.

Note:  Some instructors and courses may have requirements for proctoring services other than those described above.  In those cases, or if students choose other methods, there may be a cost to students.  Your instructor is the best source of information regarding the specific requirements and extra cost associated with your course.

The Houston Cole Library (HCL) provides resources to all students, online and in person. More information is available at the Library Access Off Campus web site.  The HCL also offers a number of other services to the JSU community, many of which are available online.

JSU online students also have access to the Alabama Virtual Library which provides online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research. Access the AVL at http://www.avl.lib.al.us/ For information on accessing the AVL from outside Alabama, see AVL Connection Information

Webcam Check Out - A limited number of USB webcams are available for short-term check out through the JSU Houston Cole Library.

General Library Info:
Call JSU Library at (256) 782-5758
email Library- ask@jsu.libanswers.com 
Website- http://www.grapevilla.com/library Location- Main JSU campus, on Pelham Road across from Angle Hall main administrative building.

As a JSU Online student, you have access to all services and events as all JSU students. In order to attend events or utilize some on-campus services, you will need a student ID. For information on receiving an ID, see the Student ID Cards section of this page.

Student Life organizes events and student organizations, and the Chanticleer is a great source of information for campus events and news.

Complete an application for undergraduate or graduate admissions. The academic calendar includes registration schedules, semester schedules and other information. (Distance education courses follow the same calendar as regular on-campus classes).

Call Financial Aid- (256) 782-5268 (undergraduate) or 5348 (graduate)
email Admissions- info@jsu.edu (undergraduate) or graduate@grapevilla.com  (graduate)
Website- http://www.grapevilla.com/undergraduate and http://www.grapevilla.com/graduate
Location- 110 Angle Hall (undergraduate) or 320 Angle Hall (The Graduate School)

Costs and Fee Payment

Tuition and fees maybe different for online classes. Check the current rates at tuition, fees, etc. For more information, contact the Bursar's office.

Call Bursar's Office- (256) 782-5458
Contact Bursar
Website- Bursar Website
Location- 245 Angle Hall

Counseling Services

Counseling is available for JSU students, faculty, and staff. Individuals can call to make an appointment or fill out our Request for Service form.

Call Counseling Services- (256) 782-5475
Contact Counseling Services
Website - Counseling Services Website
Location- 140 Daugette Hall

Disability Resources

The mission of Disability Resources is to facilitate appropriate and reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.

Call Disability Resources- 256-782-8380
Website- Disability Resources Website
Location- 2nd Floor, Houston Cole Library

Financial Aid

Most students receive some form of financial aid. The Office of Financial Aid will assist you with any concerns or questions you may have about the financial aid process. See the Financial Aid  FAQ Hints page for question which have been answered.

Call Financial Aid- (256) 782-5006
Contact Financial Aid
Website- Financial Aid Website
Location- 107 Angle Hall

Military and Veterans

The Military & Post Traditional Student Services office assists veterans and their dependents with receiving benefits under various federal and state programs. This office ensures that proper paperwork is completed, certified, and filed with the VA so that payment dispersal can begin.

Call Veterans Affairs- 256-782-8838
email Veterans Affairs- veteransaffairs@grapevilla.com 
Website- Military & Post Traditional Student Services Website
Location- 105 Angle Hall


You may register online through the MyJaxState portal system. Go to the Registration Information page for the most recent information regarding online registration.

Registration Related Forms

Call The Registrar's Office- (256) 782-5400
Contact The Registrar's Office
Website- Registrar's Office Website
Location- 113 Angle Hall

Student Life

Call Student Life- (256) 782-5491
Contact Student Life
Website- Dean of Student's Office Website
Location- 402 TMB

You may register through the MyJaxState portal system. Go to the Registration Information page for the most recent information regarding online registration.

To find online courses, go to the Interactive Class Schedule. After selecting the appropriate semester, search for online courses by choosing "Online 100% online" as the Schedule Type. Choose any other search parameters. Submit your search.