Equipment and Software Purchasing

Ordering Process for Computers/Devices

The order/delivery process for the purchase of computer systems/devices has changed in order to implement Division of Information Technology inventory procedures. This online ordering process applies to Dell (all model lines of desktops, laptops, and tablets) and Apple (Mac Pro, iMac, MacBook, mac mini, iPad and iPod) products. 

  • The online ordering process does not apply to purchases of scanners, printers, or other peripheral items.
  • Those purchases should be placed by individual offices directly to the vendor.

All computer system/device purchases require submission of Request to Purchase Computer Hardware form (CAQ:01:R4) regardless of price.

Please contact Paula Smith for assistance if needed. (ext. 5059 or 

Steps for ordering from Dell/Apple

  1. All orders must begin with an official quote provided by DIT.  To request an official quote, you must submit a CSR (Computer Service Request) with product specifications and quantities.  All CSR’s for quote requests are assigned to Paula Smith.  Paula will email official quotes to requestor.  Official quotes are only valid for thirty days. Unless requested otherwise, the initial quote will be issued for the quantity of one.  If you decide to order a different quantity you will need to contact Paula and get your quote revised.  Your quote, purchase requisition and PO items must be for the same quantity. 

    A CSR for a quote request is for a quote only.  A separate CSR is required (see step #6) for identifying computer systems/devices order and providing necessary processing information.

  2. Use the information provided in your official quote to enter your requisition online and have your supervisor approve. Product information entered in requisition must match the information in the quote, i.e. quantity, quote number, description and cost.  Vendor numbers are listed below:

    Dell - Vendor # 001001608
    Apple Computer - Vendor # 001000714

  3. Submit approved requisition to Purchasing. Requisition number is required on Request to Purchase.
  4. To complete the Request to Purchase Form you must have: 

    1. A quote less than 20 days old, with correct quantities from Paula.
    2. Requisition number
    3. A copy of quote and requisition stapled to Request to Purchase form
    4. Signatures of approval on Request to Purchase form as listed on form

    Forward completed form with attachments to the Computer Center for approval by DIT.  Once approved in DIT, your request will be forwarded to the Office of Purchasing.  The Office of Purchasing will generate the PO.

  5. After your purchase order has been generated the vendor copy of the purchase order will be forwarded to Paula Smith in Information Technology.   DIT will place the order online.   If you happen to receive the vendor copy, STOP, call Paula – DO NOT place the order from your office.    The requestor will receive an order confirmation email from Paula. The receiving copy of the purchase order will go to the requestor. The receiving copy of the purchase order should be forwarded to Accounts Payable for payment to be issued after your order has arrived on campus.  Paula will notify user that product has arrived at Self Hall and also provide electronic invoices.

  6. Once you receive your order confirmation from Paula another CSR must be entered for processing of inventory and setup purposes.

Products will be shipped to the Self Hall Imaging Lab for inventory tracking and software installation.  Paula will send an email letting the requestor know the order has been received at Self Hall.  This email will also have the electronic invoice attached.  This invoice should be printed and attached to the receiving copy of the purchase order and forwarded to Accounts Payable.  Any invoice not paid by the due date could result in a late fee assessment issued from the vendor, for which you will be responsible.  DIT will contact you to schedule delivery of product to location specified in CSR.  A DIT technician will complete final installation.

Failure to submit a CSR will result in the postponement of system setup

The CSR  MUST  contain the following:

  1. PO number with a brief product description (desktop, laptop, iPad, tablet, etc.)
  2. Budget number for DIT software charges, if CSR is for a laptop or desktop computer.
  3. Location information such as user name/building/room number for EACH system/device.  This is required for inventorying and delivery purposes.
  4. The following software section does not apply to Apple iPads and other tablets.  Tablets will ONLY by inventoried by DIT.
  5. DIT requires all desktop computers and laptops to have DIT issued antivirus at a charge of $40 per operating system. 
  6. CSR should contain a statement approving or declining remaining default software setup for all desktops and laptops.

Any additional software must be listed on the CSR, but will have to be provided by the requestor.

Software License Information

Due to increased costs of software license agreements and maintenance, DIT is implementing a new system software fee beginning October 1, 2014.

The fee will be $150 per system and includes:
Norton Antivirus
Microsoft Office for Windows or MAC

Remaining at No Cost:
Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome / Java
Adobe Reader / Adobe Flash Player
Windows Media Player

Only Installed Upon Request:
SPSS Base, Minitab, Application Extender

Each new system is required to have Norton for campus network use. The charge for a single installation of Norton is $50.


Why do I have to submit a CSR just to get a quote?
Computer Service Requests are used to document the need of support staff

I do not know how many products I will be able to order until I know the price so why do I have to get a revised quote if ordering more than one?
That is controlled by our vendors.  In order for the online ordering to work the vendors require the quantities on the quote and the purchase order to be exact.  Having them match exactly helps keep problems in a minimum.

Why do I have to submit a Request to Purchase in the first place?
In order for DIT to provide support and monitor hardware and software on campus we need to know what offices are purchasing.

Can I scan and email or fax the Request form to you?
No, original signatures are required on the approval forms.

If there is something not correct on the Request to Purchase form do I have to start over with a new Request Form?
Yes.  If the purchase documentation has been approved DIT will not edit.

If you know I have ordered a computer why do I need to do a CSR to have it installed?
When computers are ordered through this process they are ordered with purchase order numbers instead of names.  The products are delivered to the Image Lab in Self Hall.  A CSR with the requested information is the best way for the Image Lab to know who a purchase order belongs to.  By providing budget information you are giving approval for DIT to process an internal transaction voucher for the cost of the Office and Norton licenses.

Why does DIT only place online orders for computer systems/devices?
DIT does not inventory scanners, printer, or peripheral items and these items do not require software.

Why does the person delivering my computer not set it up?
Due to space constraints and attempts to provide shorter turn-around-times, the Imaging Lab utilizes student workers for transporting computer systems/devices

Why does my computer need to be delivered to the Imaging Lab and not my office? 
For online orders we cannot have multiple ship-to address.
To ensure every computer/device is inventoried
DIT is striving to improve the support level of computers/devices on campus

If the default software is installed in the Imaging Lab what else does a technician need to do with the computer when it gets to my office?
Connect the computer to the network
Transfer files from your old computer to the new computer
Set up your email on the new computer
To install any software that is not provided by DIT that is used your office

How do I know my order has arrived?
When you order is received at the Imaging Lab, Stacy will notify Paula.  Paula will send an email with the invoice as an attachment to notify you of product arrival.