Third Party Billing

When an approved company or organization (sponsor) will be responsible for paying all or part of a student's tuition and fees, it is called a Third Party Billing Contract.  JSU requires a Billing Authorization from the sponsor to establish a Third Party Billing Contract.

The sponsor and/or student is responsible for submitting a billing authorization or voucher on the sponsor's letterhead to the Office of Student Accounts each semester 2 weeks prior to the published due date. Authorization must be written in English and contain no restrictions or contingencies (i.e., GPA, grade, dropping a class or withdrawal from one or more classes) or the transaction does NOT qualify as Third Party Billing. Each authorization will be valid for one semester unless otherwise specified and agreed upon by both parties. 

Upon receipt of a valid billing authorization, the Office of Student Accounts will apply a conditional credit to the student account while we await payment from the third party sponsor.

Each sponsor will receive an invoice requesting payment for the student(s) after the final drop/add period for the semester or at the end of term as agreed upon by both parties.

Instructions for Students:

  • Contact the Office of Student Accounts before the semester begins to let us know you are a sponsored student
  • The need may arise for you to sign a release in the Office of Student Accounts and/or Financial Aid, allowing JSU employees to discuss your detailed billing information with any outside sponsor
  • Provide your sponsor with contact information for the Assistant Bursar who will be handling all correspondence
  • Pay any charges not covered by your sponsor no later than the published due date each semester in order to avoid your classes being cancelled for non-payment
  • View your My.JSU account information and your JSU Email on a regular basis for any correspondence regarding your account balance

Important Note: Students whose sponsor fails to pay the authorized charges will have a financial hold placed on their account (preventing registration for future terms and release of official transcripts or diploma) until the balance is paid in full. Students are encouraged to remain in contact with their sponsor until the terms of the billing authorization have been met.

Instructions for Sponsors:

After you are approved as a sponsor, please remember to submit your authorization listing no later than 2 weeks prior to the published due date in order to confirm the students schedule, housing and residential dining program (if applicable). The authorization MUST include the following:

  1. Students Name
  2. Students JSU ID #
  3. Must clearly outline each type of fee and/or charge the sponsor will be responsible for paying, such as tuition, mandatory fees, housing, meal plan, parking, etc.
  4. Must be signed by a company official authorized to obligate payment by the sponsor
  5. Must include specific billing instructions
  6. Must include contact information, billing address, email address and telephone number of the sponsor
  7. Billing authorization or voucher on the sponsor's letterhead must be received in the Office of Student Accounts each semester 2 weeks prior to the published due date

Contact Information:

Jacksonville State University
Office of Student Accounts
Attn: Tonya New
245 Angle Hall
Jacksonville, AL 36265
Telephone: (256) 782-8321
Facsimile:  (256) 782-8067

Submit Authorization to:

Jacksonville State University
Office of Student Accounts
Attn: Tonya New
245 Angle Hall
Jacksonville, AL 36265
Scan and email to

For more information or questions on third party billing, please contact our office at (256) 782-8321