Frequently Asked Questions

Current Tuition and Fees are updated as approved by the Board of Trustees.

Log on to MyJaxState using your User Name and Password. Choose "View Account/Make Payment" to view account balance, financial aid awarded, scholarships, and grants that are on your account at that time. This page reflects the balance due to confirm your registration. Parents can also view your account balance if you add them as an Authorized User on your account.

  1. Log into MyJaxState
  2. Click on “View Account/Make Payment”
  3. Under Statements, click on “Real Time Statement”
  4. Choose the term you wish to view, click submit
  5. Print or save as a PDF

One of the following options must be in place by the published due date each semester to confirm your schedule:
  • Make payment in full.
  • Enroll in a payment plan.
  • If using financial aid, your offer of financial aid must be accepted, and a Master Promissory Note and Loan Entrance Counseling must be complete. You must also pay any remaining balance due if your financial aid is not enough to cover your semester charges.

  • Payments to your account may be made online using MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Electronic Checking/Savings Account at (Please allow 3-5 days for a Web Electronic Check to clear your account). 
    • You will need your User Name and Password. Parents can also view your account balance and/or make payment, if you add them as an Authorized User.
  • In person at the cashier window on the 2nd floor of Angle Hall.
  • For check remittance, please include your student ID number on any check and mail to:
    Jacksonville State University
    Attn: Office of Student Accounts
    700 Pelham Road North
    Jacksonville, Alabama 36265-1602
  • JSU does not except payment by phone for credit card or check.

A postmark is not acceptable for meeting your payment deadline. All payments must be in the Office of Student Accounts by close of business on the published due date to confirm your registration or your classes will be cancelled.

We do not accept post-dated checks.

The payment due dates can be found each semester under Payment Guidelines.

Yes. The total balance due for tuition, university housing, ID, parking decal and residential dining program (if applicable), can be divided into equal installments. You may view the Payment Plan for the current semester installment dates and complete details of the plan.

JSU now offers Electronic Direct Deposit (EDD). For timely receipt of your student account refund, you will need to sign up for EDD through MyJaxState. Refer to our Refund Policies for instructions on how to sign up today. Checks for those not enrolled in EDD, are distributed to the campus mail center on the published refund dates each semester.

Statements are no longer mailed to students. All charges may be viewed on MyJaxState.

If your loan information is not on your account it is likely you have not completed all requirements with the Office of Financial Aid. Financial assistance that it on your account, as of the time you are viewing the information, will be reflected on your current activity. If you have questions relating to the status of your financial aid you can review your financial aid information on MyJaxState or contact the Office of Financial Aid at (256) 782-5006.

A third party billing is when a private or governmental agency is paying for any portion of your tuition and/or books. Qualifying sponsors include, but are not limited to, corporations, governmental agencies, pre-paid tuition programs, and vocational rehabilitation offices.

New sponsors must be approved by Jacksonville State University before participating in the third party billing program. Please contact call (256) 782-8321 concerning new third party sponsorship.

At least four weeks prior to the payment due date for each semester, a third-party sponsor must provide a list of authorized students and amounts approved to our Office of Financial Aid. They may be reached at (256) 782-5677.

Third parties are billed after the add/drop date for each semester. Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice. If for any reason payment is not received from the third party, JSU will place the outstanding charges on your student account and payment will be due immediately.

Refund checks may be picked up from your campus mailbox. If you have signed up for mail-at-home option, your check will be sent to the address listed on your MyJaxState. Students who signed up for Electronic Direct Deposit (EDD), will have refunds sent directly to their checking/savings account.

If you have questions relating to the status of your financial aid, you can review your financial aid information on MyJaxState, or you can contact the Office of Financial Aid at (256) 782-5006.

If you have questions relating to the status of your financial aid, you can review your financial aid information on MyJaxState or you can contact the Office of Financial Aid at (256) 782-5006.

Sign up for the Mail-At-Home option through your MyJaxState. Verify that your address is correct. There is a $10.00 fee for each term. You may contact the Mail Center at (256) 782-5290 for further information.  If you wish to have your refund only mailed home, please consider our Electronic Direct Deposit option found on our Refund page.

Student Financial Aid may be used to purchase books and supplies from the JSU Campus Bookstore. For details please review SFA Book Purchase.

The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that we have written permission from the student to disclose any part of your student's educational records which, by law, are confidential.

Your student can establish you as an Authorized User on his/her MyJaxState account. You will then be able to view billing statements, make payments, or enroll in a payment plan. When added as an authorized user, you will receive an email instructing you on how to log on and view the student's account activity.

If you owe the University you will have a hold placed on your account. The financial hold will not be removed until the debt has been paid. For specifics on what you owe, you can check your financial status online, "View Account/Make Payment." Please allow 30 minutes for a hold to be removed after payment is made. You can contact our office at (256) 782-5458 if you have further questions.

After the last day to register for classes at JSU there is No Refund or adjustment for Dropping Of Classes if you are still enrolled in any other classes.

  • Log in to your My.JSU account.
  • Choose "View Account/Make Payment."
  • Choose the "Authorized User" tab from top menu.
  • Choose "Add an Authorized User."
  • Enter the email address of the person you would like to designate as an authorized user. Choose the features you would like this user to have access to on your account.
  • Click "Add User."
  • Before the user is added, you must check "I Agree" to the following statement:

I hereby authorize Jacksonville State University to grant Authorized User Email Address full access to my accounts, including ability to view all monthly statements, and/or make payments accordingly. My payment methods, credit card and/or checking account information, will remain confidential and hidden from all other users. I understand that I am still primarily responsible for ensuring that all my accounts are paid on time and in full.

The authorized user will receive an email containing a temporary password and instructions for access through The user may view your online statements, schedule payments, or enroll in a payment plan for the semester.

Please remember that you are still primarily responsible for ensuring that all fees are paid on time and in full by the published due date.

If the authorized user attempts to log in to the system and forgets their password, they can request online to have the password emailed to them.